The project is supported by the Společnost pro kreativitu ve vzdělávání
This is a two-year implementation project of the Regional Action Plan II – Innovation in Education (iKAP II – Innovation). His team helps the development of functional partnerships of schools, universities and the non-profit sector in the territory of Prague. The project is financed from EU funds through the Research, Development and Education Operational Program (MEYS). The project includes 1) Mentoring programs / 2) a series of workshops and festival umění a kreativity ve vzdělávání FUK / 3) Children's Think Tank (hereinafter referred to as DTT)
The aim of the project is:
Success is experienced by every student,
The student is the center of learning and is supported in action competencies (the child as an actor of change),
Support and development of literacy, creativity and innovation in teaching,
Cooperation of schools with external experts, artists and companies.
What we build on:
In the program, we rely on these principles and methods
Creative Habits of Mind Model: Creativity is one of the essential competencies for the 21st century. It enables the comprehensive involvement of the individual in the educational process from a cognitive, emotional, social, ethical and physical point of view
Design process: we support children to be autonomous and take responsibility for their actions or inaction. So that they understand the individual phases of the project or learning and can reflect on what is happening in the classroom.
Children's participation: we support children's internal motivation, their curiosity and initiative so that they can influence things that concern them.
A highly functional environment: we create conditions without which the above methods and principles cannot be applied
JUNE 2022:
planning meeting – we clarify the practical requirements, adjust the DTT format to fit individual schools / solve evaluation tools to suit all participants / planning
DTT runs in schools
Meeting to share during the project approx. 1 x every two months
Communication of pedagogues with methodological guidance – as needed
Practical outputs from the programs (conferences, exhibitions, performances, performances, broadcasts...)
Support during the program: supervision: Katarína Kalivodová / methodological guidance: Zuzana Demlová / PR and communication: Marie Pánková / Project management: Radka Šámalová / connection to Schools for the Future: Michaela Kuříková
3-4 classes from primary or secondary schools in Prague can participate in DTT
Each class can use collaboration with an artist or expert worth 380 CZK/hour for 25 hours per month
Each class has 5000 CZK to purchase materials
Evaluation of pedagogues for activities beyond the scope of direct work with children: CZK 255/hour approx. 20 hours per month
In the project, together with pedagogues, we will set up evaluation tools so that they do not burden the participants, but ideally also serve as tools for reflection.
Společnost pro kreativitu ve vzdělávání / Society for Creativity in Education
We are experts in the development of creativity. For ten years, we have been bringing progressive methods of creative learning to the Czech education system and other areas, on the development of which we cooperate with foreign and Czech partners.
We offer comprehensive solutions for the development of creative learning in the regions. Our approach includes design thinking processes that are based on local conditions and needs, connect local actors and develop the region. We support the conceptual development of creative learning at the level of founders (Prague 10). We are the initiators of the uMĚNÍM platform, which brings together artistic organizations active in education, and we are a professional partner of the Eduzměna Foundation.
For more than five years, we have been implementing the Creative Partnership program, which was developed by the British organization Creativity, Culture and Education and is successfully running in many countries around the world and, thanks to us, also in the Czech Republic.